Al-Burhan Online Arabic Academy: Fee Structure

Welcome to Burhan Online Arabic Academy! We are excited to help you embark on your Arabic learning journey. Below is a detailed breakdown of our fee structure for both group and one-to-one classes:

1. Group Classes
- Fee: 200 SAR per month (approximately 70 USD)
- Schedule: 3 days per week
- Duration: 1 hour per day
- Study Materials: Provided free of charge

2. One-to-One Classes
- Fee: 700 SAR per month (approximately 220 USD)
- Schedule: 3 days per week
- Duration: 1 hour per day
- Study Materials: Provided free of charge

We strive to offer high-quality education and resources to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing Burhan Online Arabic Academy!