Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abdul Wadood

Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abdul Wadood

Job title
CEO & Principal Instructor

Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abdul Wadood is the driving force behind Al Burhan Online Academy, bringing a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to his role as CEO and Principal Inst... More Details

Shaikh Hamza Abdallah Makumbi

Job title
English speaking instructor for Arabic language

Educational Background: Bachelor's Degree in Islamic and Arabic Studies from Imam Muhamad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA. Research Scholar at   Imam Muhamad bin Saud Isla... More Details

Ustaza Umm Areeb

Job title
Ladies section manager and Instructor for Quran and Arabic

Educational Background:   Bachelor's Degree in Islamic and Arabic Studies from Princess Noura University, Riyadh, KSA. Research Scholar at   &nbs... More Details

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